
IPA: zoʊˈɑɫʌdʒʌst


  • One who studies zoology.

Examples of "zoologist" in Sentences

  • He recalled the zoologist's eyes the evening before, full of mockery and disgust.
  • The shy fish has been named the Glyphis garricki after the New Zealand zoologist Jack Garrick, who identified it.
  • The traces of blood it left were examined by zoologist KW Damerman who concluded that it was not from a bear, gibbon or human.
  • Nicholas Tinbergen, British biologist/zoologist, dedicated the majority of his Nobel acceptance speech to it in 1973. some other notable advocates include
  • Sigourney Weaver, who has played both gorilla-defending zoologist Dian Fossey and a nature-protecting scientist in "Avatar," walked the green carpet at the event, which raised $1.5 million.
  • Specialize to Survive: According to optimistic zoologist and author Matt Ridley, we humans are in it for the long haul thanks to some unique behaviors (no, it wasn't our big brains that got us this far).
  • Legs at 0.14 do seem pale and I think the call sounds like a deep nasal laugh : so I'll go for the species named after German zoologist Karl Michahelles.and petemoulton said:One other thing: the red gonydeal spot is kind of smeary, and seems to extend a bit onto the upper mandible.
  • The brainchild of Harvard zoologist Harold Jefferson Coolidge, a blue-blooded descendant of Thomas Jefferson, the Information Exchange of the Emergency Rescue Equipment Section ERE, despite its more far-fetched investigations, managed to come up with some useful ideas for agent paraphernalia.
  • There is no better example of the kind of zoologist who does first-class field-work in the wilderness than John D. Haseman, who spent from 1907 to 1910 in painstaking and thorough scientific investigation over a large extent of South American territory hitherto only partially known or quite unexplored.
  • There is no better example of the kind of zoologist who does first - class field-work in the wilderness than John D. Haseman, who spent from 1907 to 1910 in painstaking and thorough scientific investigation over a large extent of South American territory hitherto only partially known or quite unexplored.

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