
IPA: zˈuzpɔr


  • A motile asexual spore of some algae and fungi

Examples of "zoospore" in Sentences

  • Rejuvenescence gives rise to a swarm-spore or zoospore.
  • Fig. 9 represents very probably one zoospore developed from these plants as figured from 10 to 16.
  • Once the fish is dead, Pfiesteria reduces its toxin production and feeds on the fish remains either as a swimming stage called a zoospore or as other forms.
  • It is an interesting fact that this form of the zoospore corresponds with those of the related Peronosporacece. and with those of some of the Aacylistacece.
  • No. 4 represents a longitudinal section of Potato-stalk with germinating zoospore, the germ-tube of which has pierced the cell-wall, and is growing inside the cell, as shown at +.
  • It is remarkable that Mr. Darwin brings forward in support of gemmule fission, the observation that "Thuret has seen the zoospore of an alga divide itself, and both halves germinate."
  • The individual zoospore-like bodies, with two cilia throughout life, perforating the membranous coats, and by their conjoined action causing a free co-operative movement of the whole group.
  • Yet on the hypothesis of Pangenesis, the zoospore of an alga must contain gemmules from all the cells of the parent algæ, and from all the parts of all their less remote ancestors in all their stages of existence.
  • I have seen, however, in pui-e cultures of this form, abun - dant empty membranes with every appearance of having been cast oflf by a diplanetic zoospore (Fig. 118); but unfortunately, I have not observed the actual escape of the spores from them.
  • I have not followed the zoospore from its encystment to its germination; but, as the spores germinate freely in cultures which contain no trace of empty mem - branes, such as are seen with germinating diplanetic spores, there can be no doubt of their monoplanetism.

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