
IPA: zˈaɪgoʊtɪk


  • (biology) Of, pertaining to or existing as a zygote.

Examples of "zygotic" in Sentences

  • But its two-part quasi-zygotic larval stages are the milk and the cookie
  • Scooty must first command the zygotic thrustification, with every available pimp.
  • The zygotic stage only lasts for a few days, and it takes several days before most women know they are pregnant.
  • Therefore, the proportion of A1 gametes, and thus the frequency of the A1 allele in the second generation at the zygotic stage, is: p²
  • And Marc L. Greenberg, of Lawrence, Kan., takes top honors for his brainstorm: “This could be a zygotic episode, particularly if the parents are crazy in love.”
  • If the populations are brought back into contact, this post-zygotic barrier could drive the selection for pre-zygotic barriers to reproduction which would lead to complete reproductive isolation.
  • Such results can be related to the formation of meiotic trivalent in the hybrids leading to the production of viable aneuploid gametes and post-zygotic elimination of embryos due to chromosomal non disjunction events at meiosis.
  • In the first two examples, and to a lesser extent in large animal zygotes that undergo post-zygotic development without external sources of nutrition (e.g. Xenopus), the resulting hierarchies are fully nested and display the property of summativity.

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