Synonyms and Antonyms for Abrase

Following is a list of 113 synonym words and phrases that are related to abrase:

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4 Letter Words


5 Letter Words


6 Letter Words

abradewasheninfectsoakenrushendig inbed intie upcut uplay oncut it

7 Letter Words

corraderub offoperoseruinatedisrupttore upair outsoak upturn intear upsink inhook inset offfold uplet flyprop uppack inrun out

8 Letter Words

rub downabrogateasperatedepuratelevigatecruciatepalliatederogatecastratodip intocut downdraw offbow downwash outcover upburst inburn outthrow upsleep inset footlay overturn outdrop offsleep onpin downstuck uptouch onfade outjump outfall out

9 Letter Words

unnervatedesecrateextenuateblow overblow awayboil overdrown outhot waterfall overknock outbump intospill outopen widefall intomelt intocome downdrift offheat waveblurt out

10 Letter Words

exulcerateexcruciateincinerateobnubilateexcalceatesweep awayshed bloodcatch firewater downbounce offfall apartthe fingerdeep sleepthrow downwashed out

11 Letter Words

harrowed uprun throughsoaking wetrock bottombogged downfall asleepfast asleep

13 Letter Words

boiling pointclenched fist

16 Letter Words

mass destruction

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace abrase in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of abrase in your writing.

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