Synonyms and Antonyms for Barye

Following is a list of 200 synonym words and phrases that are related to barye:

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4 Letter Words


5 Letter Words


6 Letter Words


7 Letter Words

nanobelabhenryadiabatgravitygas lawsuctioncaloriedensitylangleyp-branefaradaycoulombdynamicw-boson

8 Letter Words

microbarpressurepicobarnbarycellabamperebuoyancydibaryonmegadynegaussagegravitongigavoltpetawattbeta rayactivity

9 Letter Words


10 Letter Words

gigapascalgigadaltonbarycentermegadaltonantibaryonmillipoisegiganewtoncentipoisenano-jouleforce pairyottajoulebeta decaytera-joule

11 Letter Words

boyle's lawpound-forcegauge bosonplanck unithenry's lawgravitationnanocoulombhyperbaryonmillijanskyyoctonewtonstatcoulombbessel beamdarcy's lawplanck masspicocoulombforce fieldplanck area

12 Letter Words

bar absolutepascal's lawplanck forcegas constantdalton's lawbaryogenesiscricondenbardebye spherecharles' lawnatural unitplanck powerjoule-secondbackpressurenormogravity

13 Letter Words

baryon numberplanck chargecoulomb gaugepetabecquerelline of forceboiling pointcoulomb forcebethe formulabohr magnetoncharles's lawplanck energylambda baryonelectron voltsupport forcecasimir forcecoulomb's law

14 Letter Words

avogadro's lawvapor pressureplanck densityvapour densitycharge densitypseudopressurehectobecquerelpeierls stresskilogram-forcebinding energynumber density

15 Letter Words

planck pressurevapour pressurebaryonic matterpoisson's ratiobazin's formulaforce of naturenewtonian fluidspecific volumespring constantwater potentialsurface tension

16 Letter Words

ambient pressurepartial pressuredynamic pressuregay-lussac's lawnanoelectronvoltrydberg constantelectron densitypicoelectronvoltcombined gas law

17 Letter Words

pressure gradientincompressibilityfundamental forcefree body diagramavogadro constantcoulomb repulsion

18 Letter Words

radiation pressurebunsen coefficientbarycentric energycoulomb's constantboltzmann constantweak nuclear force

19 Letter Words

hydrostatic paradoxavogadro's constant

20 Letter Words

atmospheric pressurehydrostatic pressurewater vapor pressureboltzmann's constanthenry's law constant

21 Letter Words

bernoulli's principlearchimedes' principle

22 Letter Words

young-laplace equation

23 Letter Words

acceleration of gravitypressure gradient forcecoefficient of friction

25 Letter Words

stefan-boltzmann constanthagen-poiseuille equation

27 Letter Words

baryon acoustic oscillation

33 Letter Words

standard temperature and pressure

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace barye in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of barye in your writing.

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