Synonyms and Antonyms for Cathect

Following is a list of 200 synonym words and phrases that are related to cathect:

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4 Letter Words


5 Letter Words


6 Letter Words

affectfixateobsesspsycheaddictattachfosterinfectexcitecenterabsorbenamordevotekindleengagegroundgo forlet inadhereorientanchorinvestinsoulchiongcollarstressrelateassignpacifyoccupybesouldirect

7 Letter Words

attractconcernpassiontake toturn toengrossbreatheenchantelevateembracelift upascribeimpressenthuseconnectcontactinnerveinvolveheartenfire upespousenourishcome toconjureturn onconvertactuatework onaddressworshipbeteachlean oninheart

8 Letter Words

cling todedicatecatalyzekey intofocalizelatch onconceivepsych upidentifyspeak toactivaterelevatepluck upenergizeencirclemeditate

9 Letter Words

fetishizeinculcatehang uponfascinatecaptivateemphasizemagnetizedeal withconcentreintensateempathizeintrojectcatharizespellbindimpassionelectrifylock intopathetizeintensifysensitizespotlightcatharisesexualizeentertainbear uponpunctuatecharge upgo narrowtherapizeeroticizemartyrizecultivateencouragecabbalize

10 Letter Words

set alightlibidinizefanaticizeprepossesschannelizeassimilatephallicizeemotionizelight intocongregatebring overaccentuate

11 Letter Words

concentrateencaptivatecatholicizeenculturateexternalizehystericizehypostatizeget hold ofcircumflectproselytize

12 Letter Words

emotionalizebear in uponfall in loveemotionalisecharacterizeindoctrinateoveridentify

13 Letter Words

draw togetherhave eyes forbring to bearpsychoanalyzehold togethercontextualize

14 Letter Words

draw attentionsentimentalizehyperemphasizeinstinctualize

15 Letter Words

take a fancy toelectrocatalyzetake a shine to

16 Letter Words

set one's sights

17 Letter Words

absorb oneself inhold a candle forput on a pedestal

18 Letter Words

put one's heart inset one's heart on

19 Letter Words

take to one's bosom

20 Letter Words

put one's mind to itset one's heart upon

23 Letter Words

get into someone's headeat, breathe, and sleep

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace cathect in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of cathect in your writing.

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