Synonyms and Antonyms for Frijol

Following is a list of 200 synonym words and phrases that are related to frijol:

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4 Letter Words


5 Letter Words


6 Letter Words


7 Letter Words

frijoledrybeansoybeanred peaharicotbogbeansolanumcarlingpoblanopanuchobeanpotrobustachilacamofongobrinjalshambaredamameyambeansofritomirasolrubaboourd dalcollardsoyhullfoo-foosorghumsoyfoodchimole

8 Letter Words

red beanpinquitowax beanpea beangarbanzochickpeafasoladasoy beanchiloriofeijoadared ricealgarobafeteritacornhuskseedcorneggplantyam beanpiquillofritangaaquafabaurad dalkaferitafordhookescarolecallaloucallaloo

9 Letter Words

fava beannavy beanrice beansnap beanflageoletmung beanfine beancalavancelima beanfasouladamazamorrasoya beanbreadkindribollitacundeamorwhitecornpigeonpeapholouriesemiflintpinolillochick peabean holenegro yamsplit peachick-peaguindillablue cornsour cornurad dahlurad dhal

10 Letter Words

black beanpinto beanbroad beanblack gramgreen gramdilly beangreen beannegro cornenola beanbobby beanmoong beanpigeon peapuy lentilblack ricered pepperaduki beanfried riceonion seed

11 Letter Words

kidney beancharro beanstring beanfrench beanbean sproutrunner beanjollof ricecrowder peakaffir cornful medamesgoober beanbell pepperordeal beanadzuki beancauliflowerkernel corn

12 Letter Words

mexican beanharicot beanfiesta saladhoppin' johnmexican ricehulled wheat

13 Letter Words

rice and peaspeas and ricefodder radish

14 Letter Words

black-eyed peaice-cream beansunflower seedfoule mudammasbrunswick stewasparagus beanvegetable soup

15 Letter Words

chickling vetchcannellini beanarroz con pollopasta e fagioli

16 Letter Words

mexican dry soup

19 Letter Words

great northern bean

20 Letter Words

manchurian wild rice

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace frijol in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of frijol in your writing.

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