Synonyms and Antonyms for Habilitate

Following is a list of 156 synonym words and phrases that are related to habilitate:

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3 Letter Words


4 Letter Words


5 Letter Words

dresselateboundcoverfrockhabitshirtstripup on

6 Letter Words

clotheelicitcorsetgarbedjacketuncaseget inhit onown uphot on

7 Letter Words

fit outraimentgarmentapparelelevatesituatesignateprovectprehirecostumediscasedisrobeprim upundressuniformvesturewrap upin linecut outchip incall onlook tokick intake onall settake tostep uprule infill in

8 Letter Words

enclotheinstructrelevateinitiatededicatecontractbeholdenetiolateprim outunclothein orderoffer upcatch onmake forparty topitch inbring oncall outlong armswear byhave gotpick outbe theresay when

9 Letter Words

designateapplicateremediateinstituteenhanciveconventedconducingexplicateimprovingcollocateimperatedconscriptoverdresscotton toget alongtake partgive backhold swaygame planfair gamemilestonelook likefeel freecarry outfactor inspeak forall therelook into

10 Letter Words

illuminateemancipatearticulatefelicitateprecarizedconsecrateoverclothestrip downbring homemeasure updamn righthad bettermake sensemake peacetake sidescome firstupper handroot causewatch over

11 Letter Words

accommodatetolerablishparticipatemanifestateincorporategreen lightput forwardin businessfollow suitmake amendssee through

12 Letter Words

conditionateinthronizatepredesignatehelping handmake historystep forwardcome forwardprevail upon

13 Letter Words

bring forward

14 Letter Words

american dreamstick togetherfollow through

16 Letter Words

strings attached

17 Letter Words

reasonable person

18 Letter Words

provide with shoesgolden opportunity

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace habilitate in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of habilitate in your writing.

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