Synonyms and Antonyms for Kbo

Following is a list of 194 synonym words and phrases that are related to kbo:

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3 Letter Words


5 Letter Words


6 Letter Words

quaoardisorbjoviangalaxynebulaquasarplanetmeteorhubblephobosdig upink in

7 Letter Words

apojoveorbitarjupiterapoluneastroidplug indawn onzero inring uphang upcall upback upsign oncome topull inload uppull upday outbook insink inpile upsize up

8 Letter Words

asteroidevectionmu mesonneutrinomesosemeherschelclock inwash outcarry onread outsign offon boardfence indraw offjot downpull outweigh indip into

9 Letter Words

planetoidexoplanetfomalhautalpha rayenceladusearthlikeinglobategas giantsaturniancollapsarhigh noonswitch onlong tailgold mineheat wavecarve outfall overcross outfinal cutpencil inopen firetwo centspull overbackwaterrush hourflesh outheadlineshot watertake formlead timedrown out

10 Letter Words

oort cloudcometologymetagalaxyastroblemelight yearhubble lawastronomerbrick wallwide berthcatch firebig screensea change

11 Letter Words

binary starmeteoroidalsolar flareoccultationapocynthionwhite dwarfprotoplaneturanographylittle bearherscheliancrab nebulaastrophobiameteorolitehigh summerdead centertake flightput throughbrick houseengine roomrecord bookfiring linemain streetand finallysmall printchange overgood doctor

12 Letter Words

minor planetgiant planetmajor planetcircumjovialplanetesimalouter planetinner planetlunar craterneutron starmeteoromancymeteoroscopegroup theoryhydrogen ioniron curtaincutting edge

13 Letter Words

asteroid beltspiral nebulabinary systemmultiple starspiral galaxyintersiderealorbital planeproper motioncometographerbright lightsfreezing coldrandom numberbuild bridgesmiddle groundfourth estateboiling point

14 Letter Words

celestial bodyalpha centaurimicrometeoroidastronomy unitelectric field

15 Letter Words

superior planetinferior planet

16 Letter Words

planetary nebulaandromeda galaxyproxima centaurimagellanic cloudcelestial spherecosmic radiationmilky way galaxyelectrical fieldwireless network

18 Letter Words

galilean satelliteterrestrial planetabsolute magnitudesubatomic particleproject management

19 Letter Words

triangulum australegravitational fieldgravitational force

20 Letter Words

interplanetary spacefundamental particlecontrolled substance

22 Letter Words

small magellanic cloud

23 Letter Words

extraterrestrial object

25 Letter Words

gravitational interaction

27 Letter Words

cosmic background radiation

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace kbo in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of kbo in your writing.

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