Synonyms and Antonyms for Neaten

Following is a list of 200 synonym words and phrases that are related to neaten:

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4 Letter Words


5 Letter Words

groomcleanpreennicenordertensedressaligndo upnichecutenrighttweaksafenexacttallygreenspiffplace

6 Letter Words

sprucerefinesmootharightmaturefix uppolitetailorbehaveassortset upsettleclosenfettlenighenserenesanifycalmenprettypolishattunefinishgatherpurify

7 Letter Words

tidy upneatifytidy-uparrangesprucentightendraw upcomposesmartensharpentoughenline upconciseperfectrectifyconformlay outcompactpreparerightenoutnicelightenpreciseyoungenfancifycombinesuavifyuniformbriefenabridgecompartmoistenupright

8 Letter Words

clean upsort outnicen uporganizesnazz upset fairstraightstyle upbeautifysimplifydress uptrendifywork outstraitenassembleshape upstrictentabulatecompletecontracttransferoptimizeeven outbrush upplan outsprucifybegatherregulatehandsomespiff upprecleanprettify

9 Letter Words

pretty upmethodizerearrangehygienizespruce upmannerizeharmonizeput rightnormalizemake niceconfigurestabilizestructureget readyfeng shuigenializelimber upmake roomnegotiateentertainmodernizefine-tunepolish up

10 Letter Words

straightentighten upsmooth outstreamlineabbreviatecompactifyhousecleanuniformizefreshen upcoordinatestreightennomenclatesmarten upcollect upprioritizeintertwineset arightschematizewell-order

11 Letter Words

square awayhierarchizetranquilizeflatten outcompartmentequilibratenecessitatesystematize

12 Letter Words

make the bedgentlemanizefit togetherset straightcongenializeput togetherprecisionizetake care of

13 Letter Words

straighten upnest togetherperfectionate

14 Letter Words

straighten outbehave oneself

15 Letter Words

bring into line

16 Letter Words

sort oneself out

20 Letter Words

settle one's affairs

22 Letter Words

get one's act together

24 Letter Words

put one's house in orderget one's house in orderset one's house in order

26 Letter Words

set one's affairs in orderget one's affairs in orderput one's affairs in order

28 Letter Words

put one's household in order

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace neaten in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of neaten in your writing.

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