Synonyms and Antonyms for Protractedly

Following is a list of 90 synonym words and phrases that are related to protractedly:

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2 Letter Words


6 Letter Words

get byend up

7 Letter Words

drag onall outpaid upfar crylive ondraw ingrow upbent onmake itwrap upkeep onbear uphold upcome uphang ingrow onhang onhold onbig fat

8 Letter Words

ploddinglong runlive onelive offall toldbig dealall overstick upall thatbut goodride outstick tostay putstick bypress onstand bygood andhold outcarry on

9 Letter Words

prolongedlong haulbe aroundblue moonstick outin detailevery bitlast wordfinal sayhigh timebecome ofbear witheven keellive withall alongstand for

10 Letter Words

every inchone momentabout timeevery lastloose endsright awayloom largebranch outrun acrosshold waterstick withgreat dealjust about

11 Letter Words

lingeringlylongevouslyembracinglygrand totalthis minutesee throughfinest hourput throughlast resortcome acrossstand trial

12 Letter Words

restrainedlydiagonalwiseevery secondcome throughstand behind

13 Letter Words

straight awayhold together

15 Letter Words

fighting spirit

18 Letter Words

golden opportunity

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace protractedly in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of protractedly in your writing.

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