Synonyms and Antonyms for Quinquagesima

Following is a list of 200 synonym words and phrases that are related to quinquagesima:

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4 Letter Words


5 Letter Words


6 Letter Words


7 Letter Words


8 Letter Words

encaeniajubilatecomputuscarnivalmid-lentepiphanyfestivalholy dayhebdomadpassoverscrutinygangtidejohnsmasfeastdaynativitysoulmasstenebraemarymasssaturdaychiliasmcheshvan

9 Letter Words

quasimodoascensionfifth dayjesus daysixth daypentecostfirst dayember dayfeast daycandlemasholy weekthird daychristmasfirst-dayforefeastsolemnityparascevetemporalenovendialend times

10 Letter Words

sexagesimaalb sundayember weekwhitsundayfig sundaylow sundaymardi grasquadragenegreat lentmichaelmasphagiphanyfourth dayeaster daysecond daymaslenitsalammastidelove feastchildermaslord's dayshrovetidesemidoublevisitationsabbathismassumptioneasterfest

11 Letter Words

passiontideday of daystrinitytideseventh daygood fridayeaster weekbright weekfat tuesdaypalm sundaytwelfth dayquinquagenecare sundayfixed feastwhit mondaywhitsuntidechristenmaskingdomtidekyriopaschasabbath-daysaint's dayrose sundayfast sundaycelebrationtabernaclescarl sundaychristingle

12 Letter Words

septuagesimaquadragesimapassion weekwhite sundayegg saturdayfat thursdayrogation dayrogationtideoculi sundaydouble feastclean mondaylong barnabygreat feasts

13 Letter Words

ascensiontidequartodecimaneaster sundaymovable feastshrove sundayascension dayrogation weekordinary timeadvent sundayash wednesdayholy saturdayholy thursdayjudica sundaywhitsun-nightadvent wreathsimnel sundaylord's suppersaint vincent

14 Letter Words

passion sundaychristian yearcorpus christigaudete sundayred letter daycarling sundaylaetare sundaytrinity sundayabsolution daypentecostarionall souls' dayquincentennialholy wednesdayfeast of weekspaschal candlefeast of lightchildermas-day

15 Letter Words

rogation sundayjubilate sundaytransfigurationall saints' daymaundy thursdaybartholomewtide

16 Letter Words

expectation weekchristmas seasonmothering sundaydominical letterchristmas sundayascension sundayrefection sundayall hallows' daysunday christianquartodecimanism

17 Letter Words

sexagesima sunday

18 Letter Words

reminiscere sundayreformation sundayrefreshment sundaypasch of the cross

19 Letter Words

quadragesima sundaydivine mercy sunday

20 Letter Words

quinquagesima sunday

22 Letter Words

holy day of obligationfestival of the rosary

25 Letter Words

sunday of the five loaves

30 Letter Words

christmas and easter christian

31 Letter Words

feast of the holy name of jesusfeast of our lady of the rosary

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace quinquagesima in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of quinquagesima in your writing.

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