Synonyms and Antonyms for Serval

Following is a list of 200 synonym words and phrases that are related to serval:

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4 Letter Words


5 Letter Words


6 Letter Words


7 Letter Words

leopardwildcatcaracaloncillabig catpantherpolecatzorillemeerkatcheetahermineagemsboklinsangmeercatbay catrussian

8 Letter Words

wild catsand catservicalcolocolosiberiansylvaticsabercattigrillored lynxwolf-catsavannahjavanesesabrecatviverralpumapardvontsirabear catlip bearaardwolffanalokasteenbokjava cat

9 Letter Words

tiger catgreat catalley catcape lionchantillycivet catblack cattigerlingjaguaretecave lionstink-cat

10 Letter Words

jungle catdesert catjaguarundipampas catasian lionleopardessfennec foxmarsh lynxjaguarondigerman rexabyssinianwerekittensloth bearandean catcorsac foxyaguarondiyaguarundifisher cat

11 Letter Words

leopard catmarbled catdesert lynxhunting catfishing catcommon lynxcanada lynxyagouarundiselkirk rexyagouarondimaltese catsea panther

12 Letter Words

felis servalafrican lynxsavannah catpantanal catafrican lionsnow leopardcatamountainamur leopardscimitar catmountain catloup-cervierleopard sealyagouaroundisnow-leopardissoire lynxcamelopardusegyptian mauiberian lynxcat squirrelcape buffaloleopard slugking cheetah

13 Letter Words

serengeti cateurasian lynxeuropean lynxmountain lionamerican lionblack pantherleopard geckoafrican hobbyspotted hyenalanner falconbat-eared foxslender loris

14 Letter Words

geoffroy's catabyssinian catnile crocodilemalagasy civetturkish angorasteppe lemming

15 Letter Words

african wildcatasiatic wildcatclouded leopardsiberian weaselflat-headed catsiberian grouse

16 Letter Words

european wildcatblack-footed catafrican wild dogmountain pantherscottish wildcatleopard tortoisemountain lionessbritish longhairasian black bearexotic shorthairverreaux's eagleeuropean polecatafrican anteater

17 Letter Words

sabre-toothed catsaber-toothed catrusty-spotted catring-tailed lemuroriental longhairblunt-nosed viper

18 Letter Words

martelli's wildcatasiatic golden cat

19 Letter Words

side-striped jackalsabre-toothed tigersaber-toothed tigerblack-backed jackalbrazilian shorthairshort-tailed weaselasian semi-longhairafrican hunting dog

20 Letter Words

norwegian forest cat

21 Letter Words

soemmerring's gazelle

22 Letter Words

slender-horned gazelle

23 Letter Words

bornean clouded leopardfalse sabre-toothed catcalifornia spangled cat

25 Letter Words

african savannah elephant

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace serval in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of serval in your writing.

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