Synonyms and Antonyms for Shakers

Following is a list of 200 synonym words and phrases that are related to shakers:

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3 Letter Words


4 Letter Words


5 Letter Words


6 Letter Words


7 Letter Words


8 Letter Words


9 Letter Words

quakerismmormonismmethodismahmadiyyaadventismmillerismmontanismmennoniteold lightcatharismmandaeismtrappists

10 Letter Words

christianslds churchjoachimitemennonitesclaretianscerinthiancarmelitessubbotniks

11 Letter Words

church armyplymouthismcampbellitepassionistsanglicanism

12 Letter Words

agapemonitesbeachy amishremonstrantsblack churchmuggletonianoxford groupspiritualisthebrew rootsnew covenantsamaritanism

13 Letter Words

open brethrenrelief churchchurch of godking's chapellaestadianismjesus cultureperfectionistschwenkfelderprotestantism

14 Letter Words

the new churchevangelicalismpeoples templerestorationismjesus movementfundamentalistfriends of god

15 Letter Words

brethren churchpeculiar peoplehasidic judaismreligious orderpaleo-orthodoxyoxford movementchristadelphianmoravian churchcocktail shaker

16 Letter Words

christadelphiansbranch davidianschristian churchchurch of christswedenborgianismchurch of israeljewish christianoneida communitysociety of jesus

17 Letter Words

universal friendsplymouth brethrenholiness movementchristian scienceassemblies of godtrue jesus churchreligious sciencechurch of englandgrace road churchcharis fellowship

18 Letter Words

shaker communitiesethiopian movementchristadelphianismchurches of christexclusive brethrenparticular baptistprimitive baptistsmormon reformation

19 Letter Words

jehovah's witnessesdisciples of christcommunity of christspiritualist churchmissionary baptistsindependent baptistmainline protestantramakrishna mission

20 Letter Words

restoration movementhigher life movementcharismatic movementmennonite church usashepherding movementdiscalced carmeliteschurch of all worlds

21 Letter Words

era of manifestationsseventh-day adventismfree methodist churchfirst great awakeningmormon fundamentalismassemblies of god usachristian monasticismfellowship of friends

22 Letter Words

church of the nazarenehistory of the quakerschurch of the brethrenoneness pentecostalismcalvinistic methodistsapostolic faith churchnative american churchspiritual christianitynew religious movementchristian denominationsecond great awakening

23 Letter Words

advent christian churchthe pentecostal missionglobal methodist churchenglish presbyterianismunited methodist church

24 Letter Words

quakers in north americachurch of divine scienceshirdi sai baba movementbelievers eastern churchchristian fundamentalism

25 Letter Words

latter day saint movementcatholic apostolic churchorder of the solar templebrethren in christ churchlondon missionary societychurch of zion, jerusalemapostolic united brethren

26 Letter Words

apostolic christian churchsecond coming in mormonismmethodist episcopal church

27 Letter Words

jehovah's witnesses beliefsevangelical orthodox churchshincheonji church of jesusold german baptist brethrenevangelical covenant churchbritish new church movementfederal council of churches

28 Letter Words

buddhist churches of americaseventh-day adventist churchpomorian old-orthodox churchcharismatic episcopal church

29 Letter Words

jehovah's witnesses practicesinternational house of prayereastern christian monasticismmetropolitan community churchaustralian christian churches

30 Letter Words

history of jehovah's witnessesamerican unitarian associationliberation methodist connexionconservative holiness movement

31 Letter Words

churches of christ in australiaevangelical and reformed churchchurch universal and triumphantcontemporary sant mat movements

32 Letter Words

association of vineyard churches

33 Letter Words

methodist church of great britainlaymen's home missionary movementseventh-day adventist eschatology

34 Letter Words

church of god in christ, mennoniteevangelical free church of america

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace shakers in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of shakers in your writing.

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