Synonyms and Antonyms for Smoothened

Following is a list of 200 synonym words and phrases that are related to smoothened:

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4 Letter Words


5 Letter Words


6 Letter Words


7 Letter Words

elastintmprss2slc46a3decorinsmarca4angptl3notch 1

8 Letter Words

smoothedlamin b1cereblonhepcidingranulinmyogenincerberusmapkapk2perforinppargc1a

9 Letter Words

nucleolinmucin 5acpkc alphatgf alphaproperdinsirtuin 1myostatinsirtuin 2cyclin d1abactinal

10 Letter Words

sclerostinsyndecan 1prosaposinmesothelinhephaestintransgelincaveolin 1myotrophinsortilin 1galectin-3galectin-1tenascin cannexin a1involucrinendosialinpeptide yy

11 Letter Words

follistatincathepsin shaptoglobincathepsin dr-spondin 1contactin 1haptocorrin

12 Letter Words

oncostatin mneuropilin 1dystroglycancathepsin l1neuregulin 1metavinculin

13 Letter Words

semaphorin-3ahistone h2a.zsynaptophysininterleukin 7

14 Letter Words

sequestosome 1protein wnt-5ainterleukin 21interleukin 16interleukin 11interleukin 22interleukin 13catenin beta-1interleukin 33thrombopoietin

15 Letter Words

protein s100-a4thymosin beta-4alpha-synucleinintegrin beta 7

16 Letter Words

apolipoprotein bthrombospondin 1apolipoprotein eintegrin alpha 5integrin alpha v

17 Letter Words

apolipoprotein aiapolipoprotein l1integrin alpha 2balpha-lactalbumin

18 Letter Words

interferon alpha-1

19 Letter Words

complement factor bfatty acid synthase

20 Letter Words

toll-like receptor 4toll-like receptor 2toll-like receptor 9maltase-glucoamylase

21 Letter Words

protein phosphatase 2

22 Letter Words

complement component 5sonic hedgehog protein

23 Letter Words

growth hormone receptorsomatostatin receptor 4melanocortin 4 receptorerythropoietin receptorplacental growth factor

24 Letter Words

agouti-signaling proteinsp1 transcription factortranscription factor junsurvival of motor neuron

25 Letter Words

collagen, type i, alpha 2mannose receptor c-type 1collagen, type i, alpha 1formyl peptide receptor 3

26 Letter Words

matrix metallopeptidase 13thyroxine-binding globulin

27 Letter Words

fibroblast growth factor 23

28 Letter Words

bone morphogenetic protein 4actin, alpha skeletal muscle

29 Letter Words

c-c chemokine receptor type 7

31 Letter Words

glycogen synthase kinase-3 betaglial fibrillary acidic protein

32 Letter Words

microtubule-associated protein 2

33 Letter Words

metabotropic glutamate receptor 4interleukin 1 receptor antagonist

34 Letter Words

transforming growth factor, beta 3lipopolysaccharide binding protein

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace smoothened in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of smoothened in your writing.

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