Synonyms and Antonyms for Sorex

Following is a list of 195 synonym words and phrases that are related to sorex:

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4 Letter Words


5 Letter Words


6 Letter Words


7 Letter Words

sciurusmuridaemacaquetyrannired foxcotingacacatuacyornismurinaeraccoonsaimirifelidaeleopardminivetdasyure

8 Letter Words

sciurinimuroideaagamidaemustelidtalpidaecorvidaecurassowantelopegray foxdormouse

9 Letter Words

treeshrewliolaemustawny owlsigmodontbandicootchameleonmusteloidmyomorphabee-eaterrat snakepasserine

10 Letter Words

tree shrewmole shrewarctic foxgruiformesmustelidaelacertidaehero shrewdasyuridaecallithrixslow lorisgekkonidaeaeluroideafeliformiatremarctosbrown bearflycatcherfalconidaedeer mousefulgoridae

11 Letter Words

genus sorexpsittacinaestag beetleotter shrewcaprimulgusestrildidaebalkan lynxprairie dogscolopendradactyloidae

12 Letter Words

common shrewred squirrelarctic shrewamphisbaeniasiberian jayprotocetidaelasioglossumodontomachusfox squirrelshrikethrushtarsiiformesruffed lemurblack howlersoricomorphanotamacropusmacropodidae

13 Letter Words

slender shrewgray squirreltettigoniinaespider monkeypotamogalidaehowler monkeyanodorhynchuseuropean haresiberian lynxstriped hyenagolden jackaleurasian lynxdiprotodontiasnowshoe harenorthern lynx

14 Letter Words

elephant shrewcallitrichidaemainland serowcercopithecinemantled howlerindian leopardpacific marten

15 Letter Words

cercopithecinaesquirrel monkeymouse-eared batnorthern shrikephrynosomatidaeground squirrelfauna of canadaeuropean badgerflying squirrelamerican erminepseudocheiridaesiberian weaselafrican leopardjapanese martencharadriiformessquirrel cuckooeurasian magpiediplodactylidaeeuropean jackalamerican badgerafrican wildcatsimplicidentatafauna of africaelephantiformestree kingfisher

16 Letter Words

old world monkeyeuropean wildcateuropean polecatbrushtail possumphalangeriformesthescelosauridae

17 Letter Words

red-toothed shrewasian house shrewlarge-billed crowsiberian chipmunkpallas's squirreleurasian nuthatch

18 Letter Words

neotropical parrotdefense in insectsindian jungle crowsouth american foxfour-toed hedgehog

19 Letter Words

fauna of new guineaeurasian brown bearred-tailed squirrelnorthern hog badgereastern screech owlold world porcupineback-striped weaselnew world porcupine

20 Letter Words

eurasian pygmy shrewamerican water shrewold world flycatchergreat-tailed gracklemammals of australiastump-tailed macaqueneotropical bellbird

21 Letter Words

eastern gray squirrelnorth american jaguarred-breasted parakeetchinese ferret-badger

22 Letter Words

common squirrel monkeyarctic ground squirrelfauna of south america

23 Letter Words

oriental giant squirrel

24 Letter Words

european ground squirrelsiberian flying squirrelindian crested porcupinenorthern flying squirrel

25 Letter Words

northeast african cheetahsubspecies of canis lupuspilosans of the caribbean

27 Letter Words

northern short-tailed shrew

30 Letter Words

golden-mantled ground squirrel

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace sorex in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of sorex in your writing.

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