Synonyms and Antonyms for Sporulate

Following is a list of 200 synonym words and phrases that are related to sporulate:

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4 Letter Words


5 Letter Words


6 Letter Words

sproutspringflowermarcotabjectratoonpollensuckercardenamplexfunguspoorlymediumfailedbecomepigeonput updig indig upclosettie upbed in

7 Letter Words

burgeonbud outdehiscefoliateguttaterattoondissectlignifydespinefloryshabjointbud offoocystsinducedstrainsreadilycultureabilityspeciesproduceallowedcome onsoak upair outhook inget wetrub offsink inwrap updawn onbeat itpull up

8 Letter Words

fruitifytuberizefruit upspeciatevegetateleaf outdigitatenodulatetuberisemushroombotanisegreen upbotanizeprehatchoutplantintersowosculatebeflowerearth upbacteriapresencefish outred flagred meatkick offget highdraw offput backwash outall eyesbig headthrow upcover updip intofence insleep in

9 Letter Words

conidiateself-seedacrospireperennateherborizeherborisearborescefossilatefrondescevolunteeroverbloomfissurateherbarizeherbariseoutbranchpupariateexfoliatesoftscapedefloratedefoliateorganismsstonewallfucked upgold mineheat waveboil overhot watercarve outdrown outopen widebackwaterride down

10 Letter Words

strobilateabaxializeoutblossomgo to seedruderaliseepiphytizeinterplantabundantlyconditionsgive birthdutch oventhrow downtable talkcatch firebrick wallwater down

11 Letter Words

verticulatecocultivaterose gardengarden pathgood doctorupper crustcoffee shopsoaking wetbrick houselittle headjohn thomasrun throughhigh summerwild horsesfall asleep

12 Letter Words

superovulaterhizosecretebiofertilizeolive branchhydrogen iontomato juicefrench breadkitchen sinkiron curtain

13 Letter Words

auxosporulateautogerminatefreezing coldboiling pointknit togetherbright lights

14 Letter Words

electric field

15 Letter Words

cross-pollinatehormone therapymashed potatoes

16 Letter Words

electrical field

17 Letter Words

burst into flower

20 Letter Words

controlled substance

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace sporulate in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of sporulate in your writing.

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