Synonyms and Antonyms for Stargaze

Following is a list of 121 synonym words and phrases that are related to stargaze:

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4 Letter Words


5 Letter Words


6 Letter Words

galaxyaspectlookupdig upink inmix up

7 Letter Words

come upeclipsedawn onplug inzero inhang upring upcall upback upload upsink insoak upday outpile upsign onsize upair outcome topull inpull up

8 Letter Words

daydreamskywatchinspiralunsphereclock inwash outcarry onfence inread outdraw offon boardweigh indip intosign offjot downbuild uppull out

9 Letter Words

starburstspacewalkculminateterraformhot-stagehigh noonswitch onheat wavecarve outgold minelong tailcross outfinal cuthot waterpencil inbackwaterdrown outflesh outtake formfall overopen fireboil overturn intopull overrush hour

10 Letter Words

woolgatherretrogradeearthscapebrick wallcatch firewide berthsea changebig screenspread out

11 Letter Words

scintillatedichotomizespaghettifyinattentivehigh summerdead centerbrick housetake flightput throughengine roomfiring linemain streetsoaking wetsmall printrecord bookchange overgood doctor

12 Letter Words

astroprojecttake the sungroup theoryiron curtainhydrogen ioncutting edge

13 Letter Words

cosmographizeparaterraformbright lightsfreezing coldbuild bridgesrandom numbermiddle groundboiling point

14 Letter Words

electric field

16 Letter Words

wish upon a starelectrical fieldwireless network

20 Letter Words

controlled substance

22 Letter Words

clear the neighborhood

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace stargaze in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of stargaze in your writing.

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