Synonyms and Antonyms for Submediant

Following is a list of 200 synonym words and phrases that are related to submediant:

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4 Letter Words


5 Letter Words

sixthfifththirdminimsharpninthscalelow cmezzotonictriadgroupgamuttenth

6 Letter Words

secondg-flatb-flatdecimachromaa-flatfourthf-flatbass ctierced-flatc-note

7 Letter Words

medianta minord minorb minorg minora-minorf minorsestinac minore minoradjunctseventha majorg majorb majorf majord majorc majortwelfthsextolec-sharpb-sharpg-sharpf-sharpa-sharpd-sharp

8 Letter Words

subtoniceleventhdominantfaburdensemitonemodalitydemitonehalftonemiddle csubmotifdemiflathemitonediapason

9 Letter Words

minor keypentatoneseptenaryhexachordmodulatormajor keybass noteinversiongradationhome notemicrotoneblue noteundernote

10 Letter Words

supertonicsubsidiarythirteenthpentatonicsemiditonedemiquaverblue scalesesquitonewhole step

11 Letter Words

subdominantminor sixthmajor sixthminor scalesubsemitonepredominantninth chordminor triadminor chordminor thirdmajor ninthblues scalefundamentalminor ninthdorian modeslash chordmajor scalemajor thirdmicromelodymodal scaleinner voicemajor triad

12 Letter Words

minor secondsemidiapasonsemidiapentemajor secondleading toneb-flat minortonal centercounterchordhalf cadencescale degreehypophrygianb-flat majora-flat minorpassing notea-flat majorg-flat majore-flat minord-flat majorbroken chord

13 Letter Words

superdominantminor seventhseventh chordmajor seventhtendency toned-sharp minormusical scalef-sharp minorg-sharp minorc-sharp minora-sharp minoristrian scalea-sharp majorsemi-harmonicperfect fifthroot positionsecond fiddleneutral thirdphrygian modecontra-octave

14 Letter Words

minor intervaldiatonic scalemajor intervalsixteenth note7-6 suspension

15 Letter Words

augmented sixththird inversionsemidiatessaronmixolydian modeoctatonic scalechromatic scaleaugmented triadaugmented fifth

16 Letter Words

diminished sixthdominant seventhdiminished triaddiminished fifthsecond inversionneapolitan chorddiminished thirddiminished ninthpentatonic scalesharp-and-a-halfproslambanomenosaugmented secondmusical intervalwhole-tone scale

17 Letter Words

diminished secondsixty-fourth notediminished fourthdiminished octave

18 Letter Words

diminished seventh

19 Letter Words

minor seventh chordnatural minor scalemelodic minor scalemajor seventh chorddiminished interval

20 Letter Words

harmonic minor scale

21 Letter Words

augmented sixth chord

22 Letter Words

dominant seventh chord

24 Letter Words

diminished seventh chord

26 Letter Words

hemitonic pentatonic scale

28 Letter Words

german augmented sixth chordfrench augmented sixth chordtwo hundred fifty-sixth note

29 Letter Words

italian augmented sixth chordhalf-diminished seventh chord

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace submediant in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of submediant in your writing.

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