Synonyms and Antonyms for Supercharge

Following is a list of 145 synonym words and phrases that are related to supercharge:

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4 Letter Words


5 Letter Words


6 Letter Words

dieselcamberdegreeenginecut updig uptie upclosetput upbed inrun up

7 Letter Words

enhanceredlineupshiftlet outpuffingmachinescooteroutshopmanhaullock uptrolleytrailerpull inpull upcome toload upplug insink inlet flyhook infold upday outpile upwrap upsoak uphang uprub offcall upring upbook indrop in

8 Letter Words

firewallm'naughtrun overautostopoutbrakestopcockforklifttricyclekeypunchcarry onon boardwash outpull outfence indip intodraw offclock incover upone sidework outset footpin downbuild up

9 Letter Words

change upautosteerjackshafthandbrakemotorbikefreewheelquadruplepull overrush houropen firecarve outgold mineswitch onblow awaydrown outride downheat wavebackwaterboot camphot waterboil over

10 Letter Words

pressurizejump-startpush-startfloorboardself-drivecrankshaftjerk waterhoverboardwide berthbrick walltake covercatch firesweep away

11 Letter Words

shift gearssnowmachinewheel-clampdouble-headsteamrollermachine-gunengine roomtake flightbrick housefiring linerun throughmain streetwild horsessoaking wetput through

12 Letter Words

turbochargeriron curtainkitchen sinkwooden spoonwalk through

13 Letter Words

double-clutchpick up speedair-conditionbuild bridgesbright lightsfreezing coldknit togetherboiling point

14 Letter Words

trickle chargeelectric field

15 Letter Words

double-declutchburied treasure

16 Letter Words

hydrostatic lockelectrical field

17 Letter Words


18 Letter Words

normally aspirated

Using this list of similar-meaning words, you can choose the best synonyms to replace supercharge in your sentences.

Additionally, you'll find antonyms included, perfect for when you need the complete opposite meaning of supercharge in your writing.

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