
IPA: ˈæd

Root Word: AD


  • Abu Dhabi
  • (tennis) Advantage; also, designating the left-hand side, from the player's point of view, of their half of the court, where the advantage point following a deuce is always played.
  • (debating) advantage
  • (film) Initialism of assistant director.
  • (military) Initialism of air defence or air defense.
  • (pharmacology) Initialism of antidepressant. [(pharmacology) An agent that prevents or counteracts depression.]
  • (US, Navy) Initialism of auxiliary destroyer (a naval tender, a destroyer tender that tends to destroyers).
  • (uncountable, pathology) Initialism of Alzheimer's disease. [(neurology, pathology) A disorder involving loss of mental functions resulting from brain tissue changes; senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type.]
  • (aviation) Initialism of airworthiness directive. [(aviation, law) A regulation issued by the civil aviation authority of a country or region, generally in response to the discovery of an unsafe condition affecting particular aircraft, requiring that certain actions (such as specified modifications or enhanced maintenance or inspection requirements) be performed on these aircraft in order for them to remain legally airworthy.]
  • (television) Abbreviation of audio description. [An audio track on a video recording, timed to the footage of a film, that typically consists of a narrator describing what is happening in the film being shown.]
  • Abbreviation of advertisement. [(marketing) A commercial solicitation designed to sell some commodity, service or similar.]
  • Abbreviation of advertising. [Communication whose purpose is to influence potential customers about products and services.]
  • Abbreviation of advertiser. [One who advertises.]
  • (virology) Abbreviation of adenovirus. [(medicine) Any virus of the family Adenoviridae, many of which are responsible for respiratory infections in humans]


  • (business) Initialism of antidumping. [(economics, trade, diplomacy) Intended to combat or prevent dumping, the sale of goods below cost for anticompetitive purposes]


  • (often punctuated) Initialism of anno Domini (borrowed from Latin); in the year of our Lord.

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