IPA: ˈæg
Root Word: AG
- (US, LGBT, Black lesbian slang) An aggressive (a butch woman, especially a Black butch woman); an aggressive girl.
- (chiefly in compounds) Clipping of agriculture. [The art or science of cultivating the ground, including the harvesting of crops, and the rearing and management of livestock]
- (construction) Clipping of aggregate (small rocks mixed into concrete). [A mass, assemblage, or sum of particulars; something consisting of elements but considered as a whole.]
- Alternative letter-case form of AG (“aggressive (butch)”) [(US, LGBT, Black lesbian slang) An aggressive (a butch woman, especially a Black butch woman); an aggressive girl.]
- Initialism of Attorney General.
- Initialism of Auditor General.
- (aviation, uncountable) Abbreviation of agricultural aviation.
- Abbreviation of August. [The eighth month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars, following July and preceding September.]
- Abbreviation of agriculture. [The art or science of cultivating the ground, including the harvesting of crops, and the rearing and management of livestock]
- (immunology) Abbreviation of antigen. [(immunology) A substance that induces an immune response, usually foreign.]
- (stenoscript) Abbreviation of August. [The eighth month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars, following July and preceding September.]
- (stenoscript) Abbreviation of again. [Another time; once more.]
Examples of "ag" in Sentences
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