IPA: æɫbˈeɪniʌ
Root Word: Albania
- A country in Southeast Europe. Official name: Republic of Albania. Capital and largest city: Tirana.
- (historical) Caucasian Albania.
Examples of "albania" in Sentences
- Albania and Albanians are no exception.
- This map balky shows Greeks in NW Albania.
- Albania and Serbia are in the same region.
- He is the founder of the protestant church of Albania.
- This was at the onset of the fall of communism in Albania.
- As a result of autarchy, Albania had a minimal foreign debt.
- Albania lies at the junction of Catholic and Orthodox Christendom.
- The coat of arms of Albania is an adaptation of the Flag of Albania.
- Do you agree that the king of Albania was the vassal of the Sasanian king
- Macedonians of Albania are an officially recognized ethnic minority in Albania.