IPA: ˈæm
Root Word: AM
- Member of the Order of Australia.
- Abbreviation of Amazonas (state of Brazil) [A state of the North Region, Brazil. Capital: Manaus]
- (automative) Initialism of Aston Martin.
- (music) Initialism of Arctic Monkeys.
- (education) Initialism of Artium Magister.
- (education) Initialism of Master of Arts. [A postgraduate degree usually in a non-science subject.]
- (UK politics, historical) Initialism of Assembly Member. (A title similar to MP, placed after the name of a Member of the Welsh National Assembly.)
- (property law) Initialism of automated mapping. (Used in conjunction with Facilities Managements abbreviations (AM/FM).)
- (communication, broadcasting) Initialism of amplitude modulation.; contrasted with FM [(radio) A method of sending information by modifying (modulating) the intensity (amplitude) of a carrier wave.]
- (manufacturing) Initialism of additive manufacturing. [3D printing.]
- Shortened form of America or American, particularly as used in commercial names.
- Shortened form of amateur, particularly as used in commercial names.
- (timekeeping) Initialism of Anno Mundi. (Latin for in the year of the world)
- Alternative form of a.m. (“before noon”) [Before noon.]
- Alternative spelling of a.m. [Before noon.]
Examples of "am" in Sentences
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