
IPA: ˈæps

Root Word: Apps


  • A surname.

Examples of "apps" in Sentences

  • You wrote: "odd that MSFT went with the term apps …"
  • Yankee Group forecasts an explosion in apps in 2014, up to 11 billion.
  • But until 2007, nobody used the term apps except the people who wrote them -
  • There's a new apps section (odd that MSFT went with the term apps) with some varied content.
  • Have you used any free iPhone apps that generate revenue for their creators by running small ads above or below the apps\ 'primary content?
  • As last time I used a software solution on a Symbain S60 phone the playback was terrible but maybe I'm still judging apps from a 5 year old software decoded experience.
  • (The audience, though, liked Nitobi the best.) 80legs is building a platform for "Web-scale" applications, which it defines as apps that deal with the ocean of data and transactions, just like a search engine (like Google) does.
  • What I love most about it and that it has head and shoulders above the other apps is a nice crisp tiny font (it now even gives you a choice of 3 different fonts so you can find just the right one in the size you most prefer – I like ProFonts in the smallest size).
  • May 31, 2009 at 3:44 PM as the developer of Growl for Windows, the single biggest complaint i get is that "it doesnt support enough apps". actually, GFW supports any app that sends it a notification, just like Growl on Mac. not that many *apps* support GFW yet, but i am working hard on it. when Lifehacker featured it earlier this month, i think only 4 apps had support, now that list is 3x the size only a few weeks later not to mention the command line interface, Snarl support, and all of the programming interfaces in a number of languages.

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