
IPA: ˈɑr

Root Word: AR


  • (countable, weaponry) an AR-15 personal semi-automatic rifle, M-16 assault rifle, M-4 carbine, derivative or related gun; the Armalite AR family and derivatives.
  • (countable, weaponry, informal) an assault rifle or automatic rifle.
  • (sports, countable) area record: best achievement among those by persons from a given continent
  • (fan fiction) alternate reality
  • Postal abbreviation of Arkansas
  • The name of the Latin-script letter R.
  • (biochemistry) Initialism of androgen receptor.
  • (accounting, uncountable or plural only) Initialism of accounts receivable. [(accounting) The total monetary amount owed to a financial entity due to debts arising from sales on credit or on account.]
  • (sports, US, countable) Abbreviation of American record., national record for the United States.
  • (crime) Initialism of armed robbery. [(law) A theft where the thieves are armed with weapons.]
  • (computing, chiefly uncountable) Initialism of augmented reality. [(computing) The merging of a view of the real-world environment upon a digital image in real time.]
  • (countable) Initialism of aspect ratio. [The ratio of an object's longest dimension to its next-longest dimension.]
  • (meteorology) Initialism of atmospheric river. [(meteorology) a narrow and long band of atmospheric moisture that transports a lot of water vapour, originating from the tropics, in a manner superficially similar to how a terrestrial river transports water]
  • (emergency medicine) Initialism of artificial respiration. [(medicine) The manual or mechanical forcing of air into the lungs of a person who is not breathing in order to maintain life.]
  • (philately, postal service) Initialism of acknowledgment of receipt.
  • (law, politics) Initialism of assembly resolution.
  • Abbreviation of Arunachal Pradesh. (a state of India) [A state in northeastern India. Capital: Itanagar.]


  • Obsolete spelling of are


  • (statistics) Initialism of autoregressive. [(statistics) Employing autoregression, using a weighted sample of past data to predict future results]

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