IPA: ɑrdʒʌntˈinʌ
Root Word: Argentina
- A country in South America. Official name: Argentine Republic. Capital: Buenos Aires.
Examples of "argentina" in Sentences
- I adore sweet things ... and I´m trying to start a business here in argentina!
- December 29, 2008 7: 14 PM wow you are a cutie pie miss standtall your husband is a lucky man that is an amazing story about the cats in argentina
- 20 January 2009 at 8: 15 pm well, here in argentina the twilight series are getting bigger everyday! my friends and i are so obsessed with the books!
- i don't have winter fishing blues, i live in argentina most of the year. and when winter comes here, i'm back in the states ... get your ass down here, tim ...
- anyway, busy working away in the constituency office so back to work....which means I can not be a soldier in argentina which is what Imran's profile says he is!
- Simplemente que lo que se dijo de Las Malvinas (pedregal) y encima denominándolas como lo hacen los usurpadores británico …. como argentina que soy no puedo ni voy a dejarlo pasar.
- In argentina we usually use it a a single marmalade, with cookies or bread, or over cheese, or as fillings, and we also mix it with whipped cream to make a diferent filling a/o icing, and even mix it with melted chocolate for a different cream …
- July 2nd, 2009 12: 16 pm ET yeah .. this whole thing is pretty weird. this woman in argentina is his "soulmate" but he's going to work on his marriage with a woman who is not? how in the world does that make any sense? he really sounds like a whack job.
- "I am convinced that everything the government is doing to fight this off is gonna make america turn into another hyperflation basket case such as argentina was, or perhaps even as bad as zimbabwe 'this is exactly what Peter Shciff said on Australian News program' Dateline '.
- July 2nd, 2009 1: 03 pm ET sanford has lost all credibility. he needs to resign and return to the private sector. he has not been forthcoming from the first, lying to his wife and family, to the state of S. C, to his voters. he might have also lied to maria, his mistress in argentina. jenny is delusional by holding onto mark sanford who truly loves another woman.