IPA: ˈæsp
Root Word: ASP
- Acronym of Armament Systems and Procedures, a US manufacturer of batons, restraints, and other products targeted at police and security.
- A customised pistol produced by this company until 1987.
- A telescopic baton manufactured by this company.
- (archaic) A water snake.
- A venomous viper native to southwestern Europe (Vipera aspis).
- The Egyptian cobra (Naja haje).
- (figurative) An evil person; a snake.
- A type of European fish (Aspius aspius).
- The aspen tree.
- (computing) Initialism of application service provider.
- (finance) Initialism of average selling price (or, more rarely, ‘average sale(s) price’.)
- (military) Initialism of ammunition supply point.
- (accessibility) Initialism of accessibility / assistance / accompaniment service provider. [The quality of being accessible, or of admitting approach; receptiveness.]
- Initialism of Active Server Pages.
- (UK, law, in citation) Initialism of Act of the Scottish Parliament.
Examples of "asp" in Sentences
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