
IPA: bɑkˈu

Root Word: Baku


  • The capital city of Azerbaijan.

Examples of "baku" in Sentences

  • March 7th, 2008 at 11: 01 am fantastic – well done this is just what baku needs
  • But a mystical animal called baku appears and devours all the nightmares and transforms them into "beautiful dreams" to create a world of harmony.
  • NOPE. i had to go TODAY. someone else thought maybe there was a direct flight to london, but i'd have to travel into baku to get a physical ticket in the afternoon.
  • You pakai Inggeris wuds dan you chane sepelling of wuds bagi soun mor bahasa baku, pakai sum simpel reyal Malay wuds dan lepas tu, you oredi berbloging dalam bahasa Melayu.
  • Pemberontak Timor Leste, Alfredo Reinado tertembak mati dalam insiden baku tembak di sekitar kediaman presiden Ramos Horta, Presiden Ramos terluka dalam insiden baku tembak tersebut.
  • I live in baku, but i’ve never heard about this hotel. i saw pics in interne, but didnt pay attention, because i thought it is just a joke. .but now i think it is true. .it will be so cool. .i like it
  • Ku berpikir begini, aceh sudah memiliki satu pattern yang baku akan sebuah konsep keilmuan islam berbentuk dayah, namun harus disadari terkadang pastinya ada saja produk anak desa yang berlainan ke arah yang tidak terkontrol oleh dayah.
  • September 29th, 2008 at 10: 36 am what a joke. since when does baku have architects that smart to pull something like this off. and if they do it will not stand a long time. have fun trying to make something out of Baku because it died compelitely after the war with Armenians.
  • i didn't say this before, but my triathlon weekend was my best in baku since being here. other reasons why this was the case: i got to spend a lot of time with a friend i never see, jeremy. also, jeremy has a contact in the american embassy and we got to stay with his friend while being in Baku.

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