
IPA: bʌzˈɑr

Root Word: Bazar


  • A surname.
  • Obsolete spelling of bazaar [A marketplace, particularly in the Middle East and South Asia, and often covered with shops and stalls.]

Examples of "bazar" in Sentences

  • "bazar" hence Tabzír = circumcision or amputation of such clitoris.
  • Tout ce joyeux "bazar" est dans nos vies réelles, pas dans le "cyberespace".
  • We just found a round table at a bazar and now need to find 8 matching chairs to fit around it.
  • Following Concept, Hope in the City put on a runway show and fashion bazar at the Skirball Center that offered a little bit of everything.
  • The Gurkhas 'stall at the bazar was the noisiest, for the men were engaged -- to a nasty noise as of beef being cut on the block -- with the
  • : I see around Joco what appear to be yard sales and they are referred to as "bazar" ... but I think that is really appropriately used for a place that sells used items.
  • One occurrence each of "bazar" and "twelve-month" have been corrected to read "bazaar" and "twelvemonth", to be consistent both with other mentions in the text, and with the most common usage.
  • There are the usual stone-forts and palm-leaved hovels for the troopers, stationed here to hold the place and to escort travellers, with a coffee-shed, and a hut or two, called a bazar, but no village.
  • By the middle of the afternoon they began to feel hungry, so the father proposed their going to a bazar which was in sight; but between them and the bazar was a channel of stagnant water, very deep, and with its surface covered by a coating of weeds.

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