
IPA: b

Root Word: BB


  • A type of pellet that can be shot from a BB gun.
  • (baseball) A walk; the statistic reporting the number of "bases on balls".
  • (electronics) Initialism of baseband. [(telecommunications) The frequency range occupied by a message signal prior to modulation.]
  • Initialism of BlackBerry. [A wireless handheld device, a cross between a cellphone and a mobile email appliance and Internet-capable PDA, marketed by BlackBerry Limited.]
  • Initialism of basketball. [(sports, uncountable) A sport in which two opposing teams of five players strive to put a ball through a hoop.]
  • Initialism of baseball. [A sport common in North America, the Caribbean, and Japan, in which the object is to strike a ball so that one of a nine-person team can run counter-clockwise among four bases, resulting in the scoring of a run. The team with the most runs after termination of play, usually nine innings, wins.]
  • (computing) Initialism of bulletin board. [A board on which messages may be posted, especially one in a public space.]
  • Initialism of ball bearing. [(engineering) A bearing assembly which uses spherical bearing balls as the rolling elements.]
  • (US, navy) Abbreviation of battleship. [(military, nautical) A large capital warship displacing thousands to tens of thousands of tons, heavily armoured and armed with large-caliber guns; now obsolescent and replaced by smaller vessels with guided missiles.]
  • Initialism of Big Brother. [Unwarranted, invasive, and discreet surveillance, especially of a people by its government]
  • Initialism of Big Bang. [(cosmology) The cosmic event that marks the beginning of time and the rapid expansion of space for the visible universe. The evolution of the universe since that beginning point is described by the Big Bang Theory.]
  • Initialism of Bangka-Belitung. [A province of Indonesia.]
  • Alternative spelling of BB [A type of pellet that can be shot from a BB gun.]
  • (Internet slang) Abbreviation of baby. [A very young human, particularly from birth to a couple of years old or until walking is fully mastered.]


  • bareback; without a condom

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