IPA: bk
Root Word: BC
- British Columbia, a Canadian province.
- Baja California, a Mexican state.
- (music) basso continuo
- (law enforcement) bodycam
- Initialism of Boston College.
- Initialism of birth control. [Voluntary control of the number of children conceived, especially by the planned use of contraception.]
- (chemistry) Initialism of benzalkonium chloride. [(organic chemistry) A nitrogenous cationic surface-acting agent of the quaternary ammonium group, used as a biocide, as a cationic surfactant and as a phase transfer agent in the chemical industry.]
- (US, navy) Initialism of battlecruiser. [(military, nautical) A fast warship with thicker armor and heavier guns than a typical cruiser, but with armor, armament, or both still inferior to that of a dreadnought battleship; designed to act as an advanced scout of the battle fleet and to destroy enemy cruisers.]
- (software) Initialism of backward compatibility. [(software) Capability of interoperating with older systems.]
- Initialism of border collie. [A herding dog of a breed originating near the border between England and Scotland, and specifically bred for intelligence and obedience.]
- Initialism of blind copy, a shortening of blind carbon copy
- (medicine) Initialism of board-certified.
- Initialism of Before Christ.
- Alternative letter-case form of BC (Before Christ)
Examples of "bc" in Sentences
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