IPA: bd
Root Word: BD
- (borrowed) Comics.
- (colloquial, originally and chiefly Internet slang) An act of sexual intercourse for the purpose of conception.
- Abbreviation of boulevard. [A broad, well-paved and landscaped thoroughfare.]
- Abbreviation of bed. (bedroom, used in apartment listings) [A piece of furniture, usually flat and soft, on which to rest or sleep.]
- Abbreviation of board, in the sense of a board of directors. [A relatively long, wide and thin piece of any material, usually wood or similar, often for use in construction or furniture-making.]
- Initialism of Blu-ray Disc. [An optical disc storage medium used for data and video, introduced in 2006, having the same physical dimensions as a CD or DVD but greater storage capacity.]
- Initialism of birthday. [The anniversary of the day on which someone is born.]
- Initialism of Bachelor of Divinity.
- (military) Initialism of battledress. [A form of military uniform.]
- (pathology) Initialism of Behçet's disease. [(pathology) A multi-system disorder involving ulcerations on the mouth and sometimes the genitals, notorious for causing hypopyon uveitis (actually a rare symptom).]
- (pathology) Initialism of bipolar disorder. [(clinical psychology, psychiatry) A psychiatric diagnostic category, previously called manic depression, characterised by mood swings between great energy (mania) and clinical depression.]
- (pathology) Initialism of Bowen's disease. [A neoplastic skin disease, an early stage or intraepidermal form of squamous cell carcinoma.]
- Initialism of biographical dictionary.
- (handbells) Initialism of brush damp.
- Initialism of business development. [The creation of long-term value for an organization from customers, markets, and relationships.]
- (BDSM) Initialism of bondage and discipline.
- (finance) Initialism of broker-dealer.
- Initialism of Building Design: a British architectural magazine founded in 1970.
- (Egyptology) Initialism of Book of the Dead. [An ancient Egyptian funerary text of the New Kingdom consisting of spells to assist the journey of the dead into the afterlife, developed from the earlier Coffin Texts.]
- (colloquial, originally and chiefly Internet slang) To have sexual intercourse for the purpose of conception.
Examples of "bd" in Sentences
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