
IPA: bˈinɪn

Root Word: Benin


  • A country in West Africa, formerly Dahomey.
  • People's Republic of Benin, from 1975 to 1990
  • Republic of Benin, since 1990
  • A historical kingdom in West Africa, in present-day Nigeria.

Examples of "benin" in Sentences

  • Man pethe benin, was there ever such a man like you!
  • Iffin yoo lyke to sea de clothes benin mayde “hye fashun” an awl dat.
  • Duz anywun else fine demselfs tinkin inn de lolspeak oar iz dat jes a syde-effect ob benin a gnu member?
  • Our neighbouring country rep of benin as small as it is with not even half the resouces recently celebrated 365 days of uninterupted power supply. what a shame nigeria its time for a change and like my good friend Obama says “yes we can” … light up nigeria people.
  • A newborn boy is a legitimate heir and he inherits even from his deceased mother through the “male offspring,” benin dikhrin, clause of the ketubbah on the first day of his life and if he subsequently dies, his property is passed on to his legitimate heirs (his father, grandfather, paternal uncles and brothers).
  • That being said i feel it is sad to have non south africans play roles of south african icons imagine Malcom x being played by some guy from benin, or Obama by some homie from kenya , but the reality is the movie is american funded and will most likely net the most money in the US, so in all they will find someone they can identify with.
  • 'Vous autres Chrestiens vous estes perfides et obstinez: Quand vous auez quelque violent desir, vous vous departez de vostre maistre, et auez recours à moy: mais quand vostre desir est accompli, vous me tournez le dos comme à vn ennemi, et vous en retournez à vostre Dieu, lequel estant benin et clement, vous pardonne et reçoit volontiers.
  • The largest peoples within the cluster include the 3 million Akan in Ghana, 2.9 million Baule in Ivory Coast, 2.4 million Akan in Ghana, 2.3 million Ewe in Ghana, 1.7 million Fon in benin, 1.3 million Ewe in Togo, 1.1 million Edo in Nigeria, and 1.1 million Brong in Ghana. in addition, there are another 43 groups with over 100,000 members each.
  • O ve bir arkadaşı, Tyler Durden, form haklarından mahrum edilmiş erkek tedavisinin bir işlevsel tür birbirleriyle kavga bir kulüp. filmin mesajı oldukça nispeten benin bir biçimde anti-kuruluş görünen bu noktaya kadar, ancak mücadele kulüp hızlı bir şekilde anti-kuruluş kurumsal Project Mayhem "olarak bilinen," koordineli bir çaba gibi modern Batı materyalizmin simgeleri barbarlık için geliştikçe sanat, pahalı arabalar, kafeler ve kredi kurumları.

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