IPA: bˈun
Root Word: Boone
- A surname.
- A number of places in the United States:
- A statutory town in Pueblo County, Colorado.
- A city, the county seat of Boone County, Iowa.
- An extinct town in Franklin County, Missouri.
- An unincorporated community in Boone County, Nebraska.
- A town, the county seat of Watauga County, North Carolina.
- An unincorporated community in Washington County, Tennessee.
- An unincorporated community in Fayette County, West Virginia.
- A number of townships in the United States, listed under Boone Township.
Examples of "boone" in Sentences
- Trophy Bucks austin boone and crockett buck gibson
- A gross boone whitetail is my goal (as I'm sure it is for many).
- Q: what is the difference between the boone and crockett and pope and young scorig system
- I agree it sucks that people can buy animals like this but that is why the boone and crocket and pope and young have the fair chase.
- Yes | No | Report from willkillsdeer wrote 44 weeks 4 days ago crockett or boone but i got to say it would be awesome to hunt with teddy
- Deer Guns: Rifles and Shotguns for Deer Hunting biggest bucks of 2008 boone and crockett handgun whitetail hunting bucks with handguns record buck verlin hale
- Q: hey i asked before how many NYS officials have to score a buck to make it in the NYS books i just got it done and it takes only one NYS official and if it makes Boone and croket then you have to have a registered boone and crooket measurer measure it Which by the way my buck made it into the books!!!