IPA: br
Root Word: Br
- Belarusian.
- Alternative spelling of Br. (brother) [An abbreviation of Brother, a title used before either a given name or surname for an adult male, especially in a religious or fraternal context.]
- (in real estate ads) Abbreviation of bedroom. [A room in a house, apartment, hotel or other dwelling where a bed is kept for sleeping.]
- (chiefly Canada, US) Abbreviation of bedroom. [A room in a house, apartment, hotel or other dwelling where a bed is kept for sleeping.]
- (roadway) Initialism of business route.
- (UK, rail transport) Initialism of British Rail, formerly British Railways up to 1965.
- Abbreviation of Brandenburg, a federal state of Germany. [A state in the northeast of Germany.]
- Abbreviation of Baton Rouge. [The capital city of the state of Louisiana in the United States and the parish seat of East Baton Rouge Parish.]
- Belarusian.
Examples of "br" in Sentences
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