IPA: kˈæɫɪstoʊ
Root Word: Callisto
- (Greek mythology) A nymph of Artemis.
- (astronomy) A moon of Jupiter.
Examples of "callisto" in Sentences
- Posted on 11 / 16 / 2008 8: 13: 53 AM PST callisto
- We all know how much the Left despises that industry. callisto
- To: AdmSmith; bvw; callisto; ckilmer; dandelion; ganeshpuri89; gobucks;
- Sure, callisto, politics SHOULD be about policy and making lives better etc.
- To: Slings and Arrows; Eaker; humblegunner; Squantos; DieHard the Hunter; callisto
- To: Slings and Arrows; Darksheare; callisto; DieHard the Hunter posted on 04 / 08 / 2009 8: 08: 26 PM PDT
- Brainwashing America's Youth: Using Public Schools To Indoctrinate Students; Alinsky Required Reading callisto
- To: Carlucci; Zoe Brain; callisto; scottinoc; Movemout; markman46; AntiKev; wastedyears; are you very knowledgeble about these things?
- He climbed to his feet, sweaty and tired and mad enough to eat the dirt he was digging up, and stalked over to where she was standing next to Raya, ostensibly instructing the other girl on the pruning of callisto vines.