IPA: kʌɫˈɪtrɪs
Root Word: Callitris
- a genus of coniferous trees in the Cupressaceae (cypress family).
Examples of "callitris" in Sentences
- The callitris and casuarina appeared amongst the trees.
- Sand and callitris covered the intermediate ground, and augmented the impediments the horses had to contend with.
- We passed through much open forest, and over much sandy ground, on which the callitris always appeared to predominate.
- We travelled on, a good many miles, when, instead of the firm clay, we found, under foot soft, red sand, and trees of the genus callitris growing in close thickets.
- We had passed through some open scrub, chiefly of the rosewood kind, and crossed several small grassy plains; saw one or two patches of brigalow, but very little callitris.
- These ridges consisted of red gravel; the scrub contained callitris, casuarina, silver-leaved iron-bark, malga and brigalow, the two latter growing so thickly as to compel me to turn eastward to avoid them.
- On a spot rather clear of wood, Yuranigh went to the top of a callitris tree, and saw a lofty mountain somewhat to the eastward of north, and he thought he could trace the trees marking the course of the river to the westward of it.
- Pursuing a course in the direction of the mountain already mentioned, I met with much heavy sand on which grew thick forests of callitris, frequently quite impervious to our carts except at open places amongst which we had to wind, as they permitted.
- In the course of the day the stirculia heterophylla was very abundant, and we remarked that the cypresses were those originally known as the callitris australis, and not of either of the other two species, which were common in the neighbourhood of the Lachlan.