
IPA: kˈæɫvʌnɪzʌm

Root Word: Calvinism


  • The Christian religious tradition based upon the doctrines and forms of Christian practice of several Protestant reformers, especially John Calvin, in contrast to Catholicism, Lutheranism, Anabaptism, and Arminianism. One distinctive trait of the system is its Augustinian doctrine of predestination, which teaches that God has elected some for salvation, apart from anything they do or believe.

Examples of "calvinism" in Sentences

  • I agree with with wesgpc calvinism bolted and gone to seed is exactly what it is.
  • They had small use for the younger generation; crime, calvinism and classical music were their interests.
  • Thanks, this was new for me, I thought that in Utrecht at least there would be much more support for calvinism in those days.
  • Concerning the several chapters I named … no, they do not deal with "calvinism" since you will not find the word in the Bible.
  • I think a risk comes from getting wrapped up in the lingo of what Gavin calls the intellectual environment of this “new calvinism.”
  • *Hyper-calvinism : an extreme protestant view that basically claims that there is not a great difference between sin and grace, because both are irresistible.
  • Should they just get acquainted with our peculiar Dutch ways, our Santa Claus and our speed skating and our specific brands of calvinism, or should they try to assimilate into Dutch society and check their cultural heritage at the door?
  • Customize var doubleclick_ad_params = 'wg = 2; wa = 33; wc = US; wac = mb; wac = ah; wac = hw; wac = ct; wi = role-playing; wi = games; wi = science; wi = fiction; jid = 16131782; kw = deism; kw = demographics; kw = founding; kw = fathers; kw = religion; kw = america; kw = calvinism;!
  • I have lately read an excellent paper on Hyper-calvinism explaining some causes of its growth, and especially tracing it to a backwardness on the part of many professedly evangelical ministers in introducing the grand truths of the gospel; so that their hearers, having real cause of complaint, readily run to the opposite extreme.

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