IPA: kˈæmʌɫɑt
Root Word: Camelot
- (Arthurian legend) A mythical location in England. The stronghold of King Arthur in the Arthurian legend.
- (US politics) The administration and surrounding mystique of President John F. Kennedy.
- Alternative form of camlet [A fine fabric made from wool (originally camel, but later goat) and silk.]
Examples of "camelot" in Sentences
- I think Obama has more substance than to simply have a camelot legacy.
- I doubt if Artorius whotsisface had a round table, camelot, Merlin, the lady in the lake, Guinivere etc.
- Only left-wing simpletons who want a camelot for the new millenium really care about what the First Lady is doing.
- He has a lot of that camelot magic, and was so clearly superior to his opponent that people thought he might have a chance.
- The left loves JFK, hails Obama as the new JFK, and looks to JFK "camelot" presidency, and we're to believe JFK was a conservative?
- Caroline Kennedy replaces Hillary as the crowned candidate of the Democatic party in 2016, as graying democrats try to revive their "camelot" dream.
- Caroline: A gimmick is when Caroline Kennedy is selected as a "credible" consultant for Barry's Veep vetting process; Obama using the Kennedy name to score some camelot points.
- I realize he wants to create a new “camelot” image and marketing is very important for that but there will be lots of time to exploit the children - right now he needs to make a statement about the crisis in Gaza.
- Whether Obama is so inept as to not function well with so many zeros, or he's merely misrepresenting … no, make that lying thru his teeth … about his tax plan, there is a slow tide of realization that something ain't right in Obama and Michelle's financial "camelot".
- Chuck brilliant. veronica and keith, underdog's once again. logan and veronica. wow, that connection. piz doesn't stand a chance. the show leaves us as noir as that first time we met her it outside the camelot motel. the world's a bitch. and so is she. and i like it.