IPA: kˈɑrɫoʊs
Root Word: Carlos
- A male given name from Spanish or Portuguese, equivalent to English Charles
Examples of "carlos" in Sentences
- Funny how things change with a change of administration. carlos
- She is a self serving FOOL and everyone knows it ... carlos, THAT one
- I hope they all put the people's business ahead of party caca. carlos, THAT one
- Steele is totally irrelevant as are the Republicans right now! carlos, THAT one
- Do us all a favor Lou, take your money and just go away and please take Rudy 911iani with you. juan carlos
- Dude this looks like. .the Rocky of wrestling looks like an awesome wrestling drama or somethin carlos on Aug 11, 2008
- No, don't do it we need you in there, another vote for Obama and we don't need you debating anyone that might hurt you. carlos
- If they would only realize that it was these conditions that was created by the Bush Administration that has put us in the position we are in. carlos, THAT one
- As the physicist Richard Feymann once said, in the final analysis, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled. carlos, THAT one
- The Repubs must defeat this bill because their worst fear is that once it is enacted and the results are awesome for all, then their lies about the bill will not be believed by anyone. carlos, THAT one