
IPA: kʌθˈɔɫʌsɪzʌm

Root Word: Catholicism


  • The faiths, practices and doctrines of the Catholic Church, usually the Roman Catholic Church.
  • The state or quality of being catholic or universal; catholicity.
  • Liberality of sentiment; breadth of view.

Examples of "catholicism" in Sentences

  • American catholicism is a “hand that rocks the cradle” religion.
  • Indeed 'catholicism' was reformed, in the sense of being restructured and made to appear differently outwardly.
  • "The Way of Truth is evil spoken of" because of pagan "catholicism" and her harlot pagan "christian" daughters ;
  • What you have described in this combox as "catholicism" sounds more like a SNL parody written by a bunch of bitter ex-nuns.
  • I would no more call the witch-hunting religion of the African child abusers "protestant fundamentalism" than I would call Haitian voodoo "catholicism".
  • All of pagan 'catholicism's' so-called 'christian' daughters are but harlot systems of religion fornicating with ' the god of this world', he who is "the father of lies".
  • Furthermore, by reading Professor Amerio and other learned commentators on the modern church it is transparently obvious that there is a paradigm change in what is being narrated to us as "catholicism".
  • Partly because my grandfather gave it to me, and partly because I love the idea that the saint icons in catholicism play exactly the same role as the drogue in "voodoo", with the saints playing the same role as the loa.
  • The Only True GOD has given HIS Call to "Come out of her, MY people", unto all who are held captive by this wicked, evil world and it's seductive religious systems, and especially the ones called "catholicism" and "christianity".

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synonyms for catholicismdescribing words for catholicism

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