
IPA: sˈisˈi

Root Word: CC


  • companion of the Order of Canada
  • Initialism of carbon copy. [A copy produced in an alternated stack of ordinary sheets of paper and carbon papers. The pressure applied on the top sheet (by a pen or typewriter) causes every carbon paper to release its carbon cover, thus reproducing the writing on the subjacent layers of paper.]
  • Initialism of cricket club.
  • Initialism of cycling club.
  • Initialism of Circuit Court.
  • Initialism of community college. [(US) An educational institution providing college education granting certificates, diplomas, and associate's degrees, but not higher level degrees; junior college.]
  • Initialism of credit card. [(banking) A plastic card, usually with a magnetic strip or an embedded microchip, connected to a credit account and used to buy goods or services.]
  • Initialism of courtesy copy. [(originally) A carbon copy.]
  • Initialism of cryptocurrency. [A digital currency based on a cryptographic system.]
  • (cosmology) Initialism of cosmological constant. [(physics) A term added by Albert Einstein to his equations of general relativity in order to account for a supposed static universe, since used to describe vacuum energy as a form of dark energy.]
  • (knitting) Initialism of contrasting colour.
  • (SI) Initialism of cubic centimetre. [A unit of volume equal to that of a cube having sides each one centimetre in length, equal to 10⁻⁶ cubic metres and 1 millilitre. Commonly used in fluid measure and for engine sizes.]
  • (television) Initialism of closed caption. [(television) Text which can be displayed on a television or other video screen with suitable equipment, usually a transcription or description of audio material.]
  • (weather) Initialism of cirrocumulus. [(physics, meteorology) A principal high-level cloud type appearing as a thin, white patch of cloud without shadows, composed of very small droplets in the form of grains or ripples. The elements may be merged or separate, and more or less regularly arranged; they subtend an angle of less than 1° when observed at an angle of more than 30° above the horizon. Holes or rifts often occur in a sheet of cirrocumulus. Abbreviated Cc.]
  • (music, MIDI) Initialism of control change.
  • (medicine) Initialism of chief complaint.
  • (medicine) Initialism of cervical cancer. [(pathology, oncology) A type of cancer of the cervix of the uterus which can afflict some female mammals including humans. The term usually does not refer to cancer of the neck or other parts of the anatomy which use the term cervix.]
  • Initialism of City College.
  • Initialism of community college. (especially when abbreviating college's names) [(US) An educational institution providing college education granting certificates, diplomas, and associate's degrees, but not higher level degrees; junior college.]
  • (military) Abbreviation of cruiser, a type of warship. [(nautical, in the days of sail) A frigate or other vessel, detached from the fleet, to cruise independently in search of the enemy or its merchant ships.]
  • (military) Initialism of company commander.
  • (video games) Initialism of crowd control. [The supervision and control of a crowd of people, to keep the crowd orderly.]
  • Initialism of constructive criticism. [Criticism intended to provide suggestions for improvement without insulting the recipient.]
  • Initialism of cross country. [(sports) A running sport popular in US high schools, colleges, etc., where participants race over varying terrain (e.g. golf courses, roads, etc.) in approximately 5- to 10-kilometre races. Abbreviated XC.]
  • (law) Initialism of Creative Commons. [A set of licenses intended to offer the consumer more freedoms than traditional copyright.]
  • Initialism of closed caption. [(television) Text which can be displayed on a television or other video screen with suitable equipment, usually a transcription or description of audio material.]
  • Initialism of cubic centimeter.
  • Abbreviation of chapters.


  • (Internet, transitive) Initialism of carbon copy. [(transitive) To create a carbon copy of.]
  • (Internet, transitive) Initialism of carbon copy (“to add an additional recipient to the CC line of an e-mail message”). [(transitive) To create a carbon copy of.]
  • (video games, transitive) Initialism of crowd control. [(video games) To apply such a debuff.]


  • (fasteners) Initialism of cement-coated.
  • (psychology, social work) Initialism of client-centered.

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