
IPA: sˈidˈi

Root Word: CD


  • (metonymically, dated) An album; a collection of musical recordings (or, occasionally, other audio such as spoken word).
  • (astronomy) a type of giant elliptical galaxy
  • Initialism of compact disc; a disc once commonly used to store data, and especially for the distribution of music and software. [A kind of plastic optical disc used to store audio or digital data, read by a laser in a drive.]
  • (diplomacy, now rare) Initialism of corps diplomatique, the diplomatic corps of a particular country.
  • (finance) Abbreviation of certificate of deposit. [A type of bank account representing a time deposit, which is insured, with a specific, fixed term, and, usually, a fixed interest rate.]
  • (business) Initialism of creative director, head of the creative department (for example of an advertising agency).
  • (business) Initialism of corporate design, specific design features of a company, corporate identity CI.
  • (networking) Initialism of collision detection. [(computing, chiefly video games) The process or mechanism of determining whether two shapes are partially occupying the same space.]
  • (nautical) Initialism of chart datum. [(nautical) the level below which depths are indicated and above which heights of the tides are expressed; usually mean level of low water at a spring tide]
  • Initialism of cross-dresser. [A person who wears clothing which society considers appropriate only for members of the opposite sex.]
  • (chemistry, physics) Initialism of circular dichroism. [(chemistry, physics) the differential absorption of left-handed and right-handed circularly polarized light]
  • (immunology, biochemistry) Initialism of cluster of differentiation. [(uncountable, immunology) A protocol used for the identification and investigation of cell surface molecules providing targets for immunophenotyping of cells.]
  • (video games) Abbreviation of cooldown. [(video games) The minimum length of time that the player needs to wait after using an ability or item before it can be used again.]
  • (UK, law) Initialism of controlled drug. [(UK) Synonym of controlled substance]
  • (medicine) Abbreviation of Crohn's disease. [(pathology) Crohn’s regional enteritis, a chronic inflammatory disease that can involve any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus.]
  • (software engineering) Initialism of continuous delivery/deployment.


  • To cross-dress.

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