
IPA: s

Root Word: CE


  • Initialism of Common Era, Current Era or Christian Era. Equivalent of AD. Like other era initialisms, often written in small caps. [(chronology) The secular equivalent of anno Domini and the Christian Era, the internationally recognized method of numbering years on the Gregorian calendar.]
  • Initialism of Church of England.. More commonly, C of E. Used in the names of church schools in England. [The English branch of the Christian Church; (since the 16th century) specifically the established Protestant church in England which is the mother church of the Anglican Communion.]
  • Initialism of Canadian English. (also sometimes colloquially called "Canadian" or even "Canajan") [The variety of the English language used in Canada.]
  • Abbreviation of Ceará (“a state of Brazil”). [A state of the Northeast Region, Brazil. Capital: Fortaleza]
  • (education) Initialism of Common Entrance.
  • Initialism of civil engineer. [An engineer who is specifically trained for and/or specialised in civil engineering.]
  • Initialism of computer engineer.
  • Initialism of close encounter. [(ufology) A supposed observation, or observation of evidence, of extraterrestrial beings or their craft.]
  • Alternative form of cee (“the letter C”) [The name of the Latin-script letter C.]

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