IPA: ʃˈɑrɫʌmeɪn
Root Word: Charlemagne
- One of the kings of the Franks from 768 to 814, crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800 until his death in 814.
Examples of "charlemagne" in Sentences
- Charlemagne was a powerful ruler who helped unify much of western Europe during the early Middle Ages
- Charlemagne is often referred to as the "Father of Europe" for his role in shaping the continent's political and cultural landscape
- The coronation of Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III in 800 CE solidified his status as a key figure in European history
- Charlemagne's reign saw a revival of learning and culture, earning him a reputation as a patron of the arts and education
- Charlemagne's legacy continues to be felt today, with many modern European leaders looking to him as an example of strong and effective leadership