IPA: tʃɪkˈɑnoʊ
Root Word: Chicano
- (chiefly US) A Chicano person.
- (chiefly US) Of a person: American but of Mexican descent, especially if conscious of one's political identity in the U.S. body politic.
- (of a person) Identifying with the mixed-raced heritage of Old World and New World.
- Of or pertaining to Chicano people.
Examples of "chicano" in Sentences
- Type-A Mom Top 20 Women Political Bloggers feminism | chicano women | moms
- (A chicano is an American born Mexican and it used to be a title borne with pride.
- Racist like that aristocrat Vicente Fox and so called chicano activist like AV who don't think are our problems.
- Even more confusing was the fact that I was performing Spanglish music, often with political undertones some would call "chicano".