IPA: krˈaɪst
Root Word: Christ
- (Christianity) The anointed one, the Messiah predicted by the Old Testament.
- (Christianity) A title given to Jesus of Nazareth, seen as the fulfiller of the messianic prophecy.
- A surname.
- (art) A figure or other artistic depiction of Jesus Christ.
- Alternative form of Christ [(Christianity) The anointed one, the Messiah predicted by the Old Testament.]
Examples of "christ" in Sentences
- THE ANTI-christ is here and sitting on his throne.
- And, finally, in "christ, you're an idiot" news ...
- And his BFF thinks the anti-christ is a big gay Jew.
- Without adam, christ is meaningless, he died for what …?
- Side NOTE: The term christ is a verb and means "to anoint".
- I was at mass in christ the king (paddy's wigwam). .it was a wintry day on merseyside.
- Those who voted for him dont believe, but the taxing anti-christ is in the house and his demoncrates are in control.
- You say that its unlikely someone might try to kill him over this because most believers figure the anti-christ is too powerful to kill with earthly weapons.
- You “christians” realize that christ is suppose to come back, so if you criticize everyones thoughts or actually put jesus down arent you going against your beliefs?