IPA: krɪstʃiˈænɪti
Root Word: Christianity
- An Abrahamic religion originating from the community of the followers of Jesus Christ.
- (Hong Kong) Protestantism.
- Christendom, the Christian world
- Obsolete form of Christianity. [An Abrahamic religion originating from the community of the followers of Jesus Christ.]
Examples of "christianity" in Sentences
- Firstly I feel it important to add that christianity is an undervalued institution.
- Give us a break. christianity is about repenting mistakes, not being hollier than God
- In regards to the Original picture, it seems that this is a problem that is rampant in christianity as well.
- But there's not 'thousands of Gods' in christianity, or even more than one (Unless you get into the Jack Chick view.)
- Real christianity is very simple and very very hard especially for prideful self absorbed egotistical self rightious Americans.
- If it was Obama's or Biden's kids Dobson would be preaching that if America elects them we are DOOMED. Dobson's christianity is a "selective brand" of christianity.
- It's time to throw away that garbage and go back to the true teaching of the bible, that all people are born equal, and christianity is about healing wounds not dividing people.
- It's about time that evangelists in this country understand that christianity is about helping the poor, the powerless, the sick, the crushed, not the bigot, the racist the intolerant, the powerful.
- I would question the legality of clearly discriminating against this one popular branch of christianity, is there another religious group today for whom such legislation would even be given the time of day?
- Actually as so many of the things I see supposed christians putting forth as christianity is so very cruel in it's effect, so prejudicial or judgemental that I can only suppose that such proponents are Satanic plants out there to discredit christianity by doing such blatently harmful and evil things and claiming christianity is the motivator.