IPA: krɪstˈɑɫʌdʒi
Root Word: Christology
- (uncountable) A field of study within Christian theology which is concerned with the nature of Jesus Christ, particularly with how the divine and human are related in his person.
- (countable) A particular theory or viewpoint within the field of Christology, e.g. Chalcedonian Christology, Arian Christology, etc.
Examples of "christology" in Sentences
- At least in some places New Testament christology goes beyond agency model.
- My model for the developement of christology is following starting from Paul:
- It´s an essay in JBL 2008:3 with the title The christology of early Christian practice.
- And to my mind some christians were unhappy about the ultrahigh christology of the Johannites.
- Your understanding of New Testament christology vs plain teaching of the New Testament, o-ho, something to think about that!
- Once that is done, Nicene christology begins to look pretty good, with a better foundation overall in scripture than the live alternatives.
- I personally take Dunn's christology where Jesus is begotten in the womb of Mary, independantly attested in Matt 1:18, 20 and Luke 1:35 perhaps Paul in Gal.
- I can't take a position between your ideas and April's on the christology of John - I see merit on both sides, and don't have enough background to make an informed choice on my own.
- The challenge is partly re-connecting our christology (what we say about Jesus and the Trinity) with our anthropology (our sense of what belongs properly to human beings); and rightly understood, I think that the belief in Jesus 'uniqueness and finality allows us to do this.
- One of the parallels that strikes me is the lack of humility or at least self-awareness in the attempts to disassemble a large body of academic literature, rather than publishing - say - an article on Paul's conception of the archons as sublunar demons or docetic christology in GThom.